Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
Updated March 24, 2022
How should I determine my budget?
You’ll first want to understand what your marketing goals are. Outline all of your goals and consider the competition in your particular industry. We can then help you ensure that your marketing funds are utilized in the best way to achieve your marketing goals.
What are your prices?
All campaigns are unique and are tailored to what best suits the marketing goals and budgets of our clients. To learn more about our pricing, please contact us to speak with one of our marketing consultants.
A Good Reputation is worth more than money.
How long does it normally take to see results?
Every campaign with ReputationBoss is unique.
For Wikipedia, it can be as little as 4 weeks or and long as 2-3 months. We are at the mercy of Wikipedia and when their administrators get around to reviewing our pages. It is done randomly at Wikipedia. However, our editors have a lot of credibility at Wikipedia and we’ve had pages approved same day. Most will certainly not be this quick. You can safely expect less than 2-3 months unless Wikipedia returns the page to draft where we need to make their recommended changes and resubmit. We stay with your page for 2 years so you can always count in ReputationBoss staying with you until you are completely satisfied.
Results for improving your company’s Ratings and Customer Reviews, Removing Inaccurate and Negative articles from Google Search Engine Optimization, Content Marketing, and Public Relations can be seen as early as the first month but most take 4-6 months of hard work and persistence. .Keep in mind that Online Reputation Management is more of a marathon than a sprint.
How do your marketing campaigns operate?
Our campaigns run on a month-to-month basis. Once you become a strategic partner with ReputationBoss, there is a welcome call which introduces you to your dedicated project manager and marketing team. After the call and initial on-boarding, you receive an action plan, which outlines your first month of services. You can contact your project manager at any time during the campaign via phone or email. At the end of every campaign month, you will receive a report that measures progress and results. Your next month’s plan will always be created leveraging the data collected in the month prior.
Do you outsource any work?
Unlike other companies and agencies, all of our work is completed in-house.
Am I locked into a contract?
We are different from most companies in terms of long-term contracts. We operate on a month to month basis where you are not locked into any long term contracts. You can cancel at any time with proper notice. Should you choose to cancel, we require a written notice one-month in advance and the last month’s invoice will be due. How do I cancel services? Should you wish to cancel, we require a written notice via email or letter. Letting your project manager know you wish to cancel will allow our team to make the necessary changes to your campaign. Please keep in mind that should you cancel, you will be billed for last month before the campaign is finalized.
How do I get started?
Simply click on our Request for a 24 Hour ExpressQuote buttons found in many places throughout our website or contact us to get in touch with one of our marketing consultants. We will then build you a custom strategy and send you our 24 Hour ExpressQuote that you’ll need to sign-off on. Once signed and the initial invoice paid, we get started with the onboarding and kick off your campaign.
What’s Your SuperPower?
Page One of Google is the new business card. You are being judged by your search results, whether or not those results are fair or true. If your Page One looks its strongest, well then you have SuperPower Status and we congratulate you. If not, we can help get you there.

What’s Your SuperPower?


Page One of Google is the new business card. You are being judged by your search results, whether or not those results are fair or true. If your Page One looks its strongest, well then you have SuperPower Status and we congratulate you. If not, we can help get you there.